Thanks for your question. It’s great that you’re thinking about how to have safer sex. Based on current research, if your partner takes HIV medications and he has an undetectable … read more
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What types of foods should I eat and avoid in order to build muscle?
There are no specific foods that someone should eat or avoid when trying to build muscle. This is done by eating a healthy intake, and weight training. The media would … read more
I’m suffering with bad acne scars and it’s really dropped my confidence. I’m at college and most days I can’t wait to get home. I want to sort it out because I feel that I won’t meet anyone and it will affect my work and social life.
You are not alone. Acne is common among teens and young adults. In fact, in the United States, 85% of young people between the ages of 12-24 will experience some type of acne. … read more
Online ride sharing and carpool mobile application. Rideshare ta
Online ride sharing and carpool mobile application. Rideshare ta
Evaluating Health Information Online
The internet is a major source of information about health, but just because the information is published online doesn’t mean that it’s reliable. Sometimes a website that looks trustworthy is based on … read more
Quiz: How do I stay safe online?
Take our quiz to find out how much you really know about internet safety!
How do I find the best exercise program for a guy my age? Online is confusing. I have a friend who broke his back for real by trying to lift too much weight. Most guys just try to get muscles fast but not always safely I think.
Thanks for your question. Many people have questions about a good exercise plan. There are so many options online and it can be tough to know what program is right … read more
It’s now autumn, and I always feel sorrowful and morose during this season. Plus now, with the coronavirus I feels even more depressed. What can I do in order to cheer me up?
Thank you so much for your question, you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way right now. When the weather changes in fall and winter, it’s not uncommon for people … read more
I have a wounded leg and I limp while I walk. I met this girl online that I like but I’m scared she’ll think I’m too different if she sees my limp. Can someone still like me with my problem?
It is hard to feel different than others your age and I bet your limp makes you feel different, even if it is barely noticeable to others. If it is … read more