If I have muscle dysmorphia, where can I go for help? There’s lots of blogs on each hospital website but I don’t see any treatment programs.

Thanks for your question. It can be hard to know what to do if you have a concern and where to get help.

Let’s talk about muscle dysmorphia. This is a type of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The term “muscle dysmorphia” was first used in 1997 to describe people who worry that their bodies are too small or not muscular enough. This worry can affect their daily life, including their exercise habits, eating, mental health, and/or social life. About 2% of people have this condition.

Treatment usually involves seeing a therapist, a doctor, and a dietitian.

So, who should you contact for help? A good place to start is by talking to your primary care doctor. They can suggest local resources. In the U.S., you might also want to look for an Adolescent Medicine Clinic near you for an evaluation.

Even though muscle dysmorphia isn’t an eating disorder, its treatment is similar. Here are some resources to find more help in your area:

MEDA Inc. | Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association

National Eating Disorders Association- NEDA