I’ve been having moments where I just feel really like horny and want to constantly please myself, is that puberty or something else?

Is It Normal to Have a Strong Sex Drive?

Yes! During puberty, your body goes through a lot of changes, including hormone shifts that can increase your sex drive (also called libido). Everyone’s libido is different—some people have a high sex drive, while others don’t think about it much.

Is It Normal to Masturbate?

Masturbation—touching or rubbing your genitals for pleasure—is a normal way to explore your body and learn what feels good. Some people do it, some don’t. Either way, it’s a personal choice, and there’s no “right” or “wrong” amount.

Is Masturbation Safe?

From a medical standpoint, masturbation is normal and not harmful. People have different opinions about it based on their personal, cultural, or religious beliefs, so you’ll have to decide what feels right for you.

Can Masturbation Be Bad for Me?

As long as you do it in private and it doesn’t cause irritation or pain, masturbation is not harmful. If you ever feel discomfort or pain in your genitals, talk to a healthcare provider to make sure everything is okay.

How Do I Know If I Masturbate Too Much?

Some people masturbate every day, other people masturbate every few months, and others never masturbate. Masturbation is a problem if it starts interfering with your daily life. Ask yourself:
  • Do I miss school, work, or important activities because I’m masturbating?
  • Is masturbation constantly on my mind?
  • Does it stop me from getting homework done, going to practice, or hanging out with friends?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, you might be spending too much time on it. Talking to a doctor, counselor, or therapist can help.

How Can I Talk to a Doctor About This?

If you’re worried, you can say something simple like: “I think I might be masturbating too much. What can I do?” Healthcare providers are used to these questions and can help without judgment.