Thanks for your question. Many people wonder about whether the time it takes them to ejaculate (or cum) is normal. The medical term for this is “ejaculatory latency time.” Premature ejaculation means that your ejaculatory latency time is less than 1 minute. It’s important to know that there is a range of normal ejaculatory latency time. People may also notice their ejaculatory latency time may increase as they get older.
Some things you can try to delay ejaculation:
- Masturbate before having sex. Your ejaculatory latency time may be longer the second time.
- Use a condom, which may delay the sensation, and may make your ejaculatory latency time longer (in other words you’ll last longer).
- A condom is also a good idea to help prevent sexually transmitted infections from oral sex. Plus, there are flavored condoms that can be used for oral sex.
If these tips don’t help or if your ejaculatory latency phase is less than 1 minute, consider talking to your health care provider. Sometimes they can prescribe medicines to help you last longer.