What you enjoy watching in terms of porn may or may not match up to who you are sexually attracted to. The teen years are a time of getting to … read more
Articles Tagged: bisexual
I am bisexual and want to know about gay anal sex. Is it bad to have anal sex or what?
It is neither good nor bad to have anal sex. It is a preference, but just like sex between men and women, having sex comes with risks. According to the … read more
Sexual Orientation
What is sexual orientation? Sexual orientation refers to the type of sexual and romantic feelings for other people. These people can be of the same gender, a different gender, or … read more
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Mental Health and Resources
Adolescence can be an exciting but also a challenging time, since it is a period when bodies change, schoolwork is more difficult, and friends and families might not understand your … read more
Sometimes I feel attracted to guys. Am I gay?
Being gay means feeling sexually attracted to members of the same sex as you. It may take time to understand yourself and your interactions with others. For example, people who … read more
Can a guy like anal play and not be gay?
Engaging in/enjoying anal play doesn’t mean that you’re gay. In 2010, a paper titled “Heterosexual Anal Sexuality and Anal Sex Behaviors: A Review” was published in the Journal of Sex … read more