Congratulations on being proactive about your health! It may seem like getting a cold is unavoidable when people around you are coughing and sneezing; however, there are measures you can … read more
Articles Tagged: colds and flu
How to Wash Your Hands and Prevent Illness
Washing your hands is the BEST way to lessen your chance of becoming ill and to lower the risk of spreading germs when you’re sick. Is there a right way … read more
Sinusitis is a medical term that means that your sinuses are inflamed (irritated and swollen), usually because of an infection. If you’ve been congested, your head feels “stuffy”, you have … read more
Sore Throat
Sore throat is a common medical condition that usually lasts a couple of days and gets better on its own; however, sometimes a sore throat can be serious. If it … read more
Enterovirus D68
What is enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)? Enterovirus D68, pronounced “enter-o-vy-rus” is one of a family of 100 enteroviruses that causes respiratory and other symptoms that can be mild to severe. Mild … read more
College Health: Health Services and Common Health Problems
What are student health services? The student health services (sometimes called the student health center or clinic) at your college is probably the first place you should go when you … read more
Colds and Flu: General Information
According to the Center for Disease Control, every year more than 300,000 people in the United States have to go to the hospital for flu-related problems. Colds are even more common, … read more
Colds and Flu: Prevention and Treatment
The best way to fight colds and flu is to not get them in the first place! Here are some tips for protecting yourself and preventing the spread of the … read more
I’ve heard getting the flu shot can actually make you sick! Is this true? Should I get a flu shot?
This is a very common question! Many people believe that getting a flu shot can give you the flu, but it’s simply not true. There is no active flu virus … read more