Strength training is a great way to get your muscles conditioned and strong. This form of exercise can help raise your metabolism (the way your body uses energy from food) and will keep your bones strong, which may help prevent future osteoporosis. Strengthening your muscles can even help to release stress from your body. Try the following workouts for your upper, middle (core), and lower body!
Helpful Tips:
- While doing these exercises, focus on your breathing (deep inhales and exhales)
- Check out the My Muscles guide as a reference for what muscles you are working.
Workout 1: Lower Body
How to: Start with the first exercise on this list. Perform the exercise 8-12 times (if you are a beginner, aim to complete 5 repetitions of the exercise). Once you finish, move on to the next exercise, until you finish all 6 exercises. Repeat this entire set 1-3 times.
Floor Bridges Clam Shells Squats Reverse Lunges Side Lunges Standing Calf Raises
Workout 2: Upper Body
How to: Start with the first exercise on this list. Perform the exercise 8-12 times (if you are a beginner, aim to complete 5 repetitions of the exercise). Once you finish, move on to the next exercise, until you finish all 6 exercises. Repeat this set 1-3 times.
Push-ups Up and Down Plank Bicep Curls Triceps extensions Chest Press Overhead Press
Workout 3: Core (Middle body)
How to: Start with the first exercise on this list. Perform the exercise 10-15 times OR hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Once you finish, move on to the next exercise, until you finish all 6 exercises. Repeat this set 1-3 times.
Plank SupermansRight/Left Plank Bicycle CrunchesV-Sit Leg raises