Both herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) can be spread through oral or genital contact, or oral-genital contact! While HSV-2 can be spread through oral-genital … read more
Articles Tagged: healthy sex
Why do teens want to have sex?
Sex is a normal human behavior that allows us to connect with other people in a very intimate way. It also allows us to create children when we’re ready to … read more
Can you get herpes from anal sex?
Yes, you can get herpes from anal sex. In fact, you can get herpes from any genital contact and barrier methods of contraception (such as condoms) should always be used … read more
What can I do to get rid of premature ejaculation? I’m too embarrassed to ask my doctor!
First let’s make sure your expectations are realistic. Many young men ejaculate within a minute or two of getting an erection. As you get older, the time between the start … read more
Can I get a girl pregnant from anal sex?
Even though there isn’t a direct path from the anus to the vagina, there’s a small chance that a female could become pregnant through anal sex. This is because semen … read more
Can I get an STD from oral sex?
Yes. Just about all of the STDs, including HIV, herpes, HPV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can be transmitted through unprotected oral sex. Using dental dams and condoms can lower your … read more