There is really no way to speed up the natural process of puberty. With that being said, young men typically notice hair under their arms and in other places before … read more
Articles Tagged: puberty
What age will the wet dreams start?
Puberty is a time when your body begins to change. The average age when a boy’s body begins to mature is usually around age 10 or 11, but can range … read more
I’ve accidentally seen my friends penis and it made me start wondering if mine is too small. My penis is 3 inches flaccid and around 4 inches erect. My friends talk about how their penis is 6-7 inches flaccid and I was wondering if my penis is too small or if it will grow to a normal size. I am also late to grow in height and get hair and have a deeper voice.
It’s important to understand that the size of your penis is determined by genetic traits that are inherited by your parents– similar to your height, eye color, and skin tone. … read more
I woke up one morning and my voice felt really low. I thought it would crack for a while before it got lower. Should I be worried or is my voice just done changing?
If you are a young man around the time of puberty, you probably don’t need to be worried as voice changes during this time are is normal. During puberty the larynx (also called the “voice box”) changes–it grows … read more
When will I grow noticeable stubble?
“Stubble,” or hair growth on the face, is due to several factors: the number of hair follicles on the face and neck (usually genetically determined) and the presence of the … read more
Wet Dreams
Wet dreams happen to most people assigned male at birth (AMAB) during the teen years. You may wake up to find your bed sheets wet and sticky. Wet dreams are … read more
Transitions: A Guide to Getting Older and Changing Health Care Providers (HCP’s)
As you get older your health care needs will change. Your teen years are a good time to talk with your primary care provider (PCP) about whether you need to … read more
Puberty in Girls: A Guy’s Guide
When a guy goes through puberty, he’ll experience various changes in his body. He’ll grow hair in places he didn’t have it before, his voice will change, his penis and … read more
Have you noticed hair growing on your body where there was no hair before? Are you having trouble singing those high notes in music class that used to be easy? … read more
What is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is a common condition where the tissue under a young man’s nipples starts to grow and can look and feel like small breasts. It can occur … read more