Thanks for your question. Many teens, young adults, and older adults have questions about their sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a term that refers to who someone is attracted to … read more
Articles Tagged: sexual orientation
My best friend and I were hanging out drinking. He kissed me and we made out and ended up giving each other oral sex. Does that make me gay? I love girls. I date girls. Although oral sex felt great, it’s not something that turned me on to do again.
Thanks for your question. Many teens, young adults, and older adults have questions about their sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a term that refers to who someone is attracted to … read more
I haven’t jerked off or ejaculated once in my life and I’m 14 years old. Does that mean I’m gay, or just I’m afraid of masturbating?
Thanks for your question. Masturbation, or rubbing your genitals, can be a totally normal part of puberty and life. That said, some people masturbate, and some people don’t. The decision … read more
I’ve been questioning my sexuality for years and really think I’m asexual. I don’t feel safe coming out and feel like I can’t tell my doctor or even my family right now. If I tell my therapist, will they be understanding, and will it be confidential?
Thanks for your question. We know that a person’s sexual attraction can range from being asexual, attracted to females, attracted to males, or a combination of females and males. This … read more
What is sexuality and sexual orientation?
Sexuality is not just about “sex” and certain body parts that are associated with males and females. Sexuality includes sexual orientation, such as who a person is attracted to and … read more
I watch porn when I masturbate. I’m straight but I also watch gay porn. Does this mean I’m gay, straight or bisexual?
What you enjoy watching in terms of porn may or may not match up to who you are sexually attracted to. The teen years are a time of getting to … read more
Sexual Orientation
What is sexual orientation? Sexual orientation refers to the type of sexual and romantic feelings for other people. These people can be of the same gender, a different gender, or … read more
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Mental Health and Resources
Adolescence can be an exciting but also a challenging time, since it is a period when bodies change, schoolwork is more difficult, and friends and families might not understand your … read more
Sometimes I feel attracted to guys. Am I gay?
Being gay means feeling sexually attracted to members of the same sex as you. It may take time to understand yourself and your interactions with others. For example, people who … read more
Can a guy like anal play and not be gay?
Engaging in/enjoying anal play doesn’t mean that you’re gay. In 2010, a paper titled “Heterosexual Anal Sexuality and Anal Sex Behaviors: A Review” was published in the Journal of Sex … read more