Why Am I Always So Tired? Thanks for asking this important question! Feeling tired all the time can be really frustrating. The most common reason people feel sleepy during the … read more
Articles Tagged: sleep
Is it normal to not fall asleep right away
Thanks for your question. Most people fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed. There are many reasons why it may take someone longer to fall asleep including an … read more
How do I get a full 8 hours of sleep?
Sleep is super important to your overall health, both mentally and physically. Settling back into a routine that balances school, homework, after school activities, work, and/or sports can be challenging. … read more
I was having a hard time sleeping at night sometimes, I can’t see any reasons if why it’s happening to me. Are they are possible things that can be the reason why I’m having insomnia?
Thanks for your question. Many people have a hard time sleeping and don’t know why. There are several things that can affect sleep, including our daily activities, whether or not … read more
I’ve been staying up past midnight and not getting out of bed until the afternoon recently. How can I start going to sleep and waking up earlier?
Thanks for your question. Getting good sleep is an important thing everyone can do to stay healthy. There are lots of things that can affect sleep, including our daily activities, whether or … read more
I’m almost always tired throughout the day and at school, but usually have trouble going to sleep at night. I’ll just get to bed and be awake still for hours. How do I go to sleep faster? Do things like taking melatonin supplements help?
Thanks for your question. There are lots of things can affect sleep including loud noises, bright lights, stress, and recent physical activity. Some people also can have a tough time … read more
I can’t go to sleep. I’ve tried teas, meditation, music, worry dolls and just about anything else I could think of. Falling asleep between 12:30-4:00 is common for me, and once I do fall asleep it’s only for just over an hour. What can I do?
Thanks for your question! Not being able to sleep well is frustrating for sure. You may have already realized that lack of sleep makes it harder to focus which can … read more
I have been waking up every night at 3:00am and I am awake until my alarm goes off at 7:30. I stopped watching TV or going on the web after dinner and I also tried drinking chamomile tea but it hasn’t helped me sleep through the night. I am very tired during school and I feel like l cannot bear this lack of sleep during the entire school year. Please, can you help me?
Thank you for your question! The blue screens of devices, such as a smart phone or tablet, have been found to interfere with the sleep hormone melatonin, which may cause … read more
How do I keep my body strong?
Great question! You can keep your body strong by eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Strength training is another way to become stronger, lessen the chance of … read more
I am having trouble finding a way to go to sleep earlier. Is there a way to sleep earlier than normal, or do I have to gradually go to sleep earlier?
It’s great that you are trying to get more sleep! Teens need an average of about 9 hours of sleep every night. Getting more sleep can improve your concentration and … read more