The changes to your voice and hair suggest that you have started to go through puberty. When guys hit puberty, a number of things happen in the body, usually starting with growth … read more
Articles Tagged: testicle health
I have found that there are several small bumps on my left testicle. They are inside the scrotum. Should I be concerned?
Anytime you notice something different about your body such as bumps, lumps, rashes, etc. you should make an appointment with your health care provider to get checked out. Small bumps … read more
It’s been almost 4 months since I had surgery for testicular torsion and I still have pain occasionally on both my testicles. I can still feel stitches within my scrotum. Is this normal in the recovery process?
Surgery for testicular torsion involves untwisting the “spermatic” cord inside the affected testicle and then placing stitches around both testicles to repair the twisted one and prevent torsion from happening … read more
What does it mean if I have pain in my left testicle and pelvic area?
A man’s testicles are very sensitive so even a minor trauma can cause discomfort. There can be many reasons for your pain. The pain can be coming from your left … read more
Are there any sports for which guys should wear genital protection? I got hit in the thigh with a fast ball. It left a big purple bruise and just missed my right nut. Should I be wearing a jockstrap and cup? A few guys do, but more don’t.
This is a great question! As you probably have realized, there is a lot more information out there about the use of other protective equipment such as helmets and eyewear … read more
My semen is white but yesterday I was punched in the testicles two times and today I ejaculated and had little tiny streaks that looked like blood in my semen. Is this normal?
It isn’t normal to have blood in your semen however an injury to the testicles might cause blood in your semen, urine (pee) or both for a short amount of … read more
I have a very bad pain at the back of my left testicle. There is no bump on the testicle itself but an immense amount of pain when I walk.
It is critical to take any strong pain in your penis or testicles seriously. It is impossible to know what is causing your pain without being evaluated by a health … read more
Hello, one of my testicles is smaller than the other one and it seems like it’s not growing any more. What could be the problem?
It is very common for guys to have one testicle that is slightly smaller than the other. It is also common to have one testicle hang lower in the scrotal … read more
I have a big vein on the back of my testicles. I’ve read that I should see my health care provider, but I’ve had it since I was about 13 with no pain at all. What do I do? Do I need to see a doctor?
It sounds like you may have a “varicocele,” which is a swollen vein in the scrotal sack. Varicoceles only affect guys and they are often more common during puberty. Because … read more
Varicocele is a medical word used to describe the swelling of the veins that occurs in the scrotum . Varicoceles are common. Approximately 10-20% of adolescent and young adult men … read more