Wet dreams happen to most people assigned male at birth (AMAB) during the teen years. You may wake up to find your bed sheets wet and sticky. Wet dreams are a normal part of development.
What are wet dreams?
The medical term for wet dream is “nocturnal emission.” It’s nocturnal because it happens at night when you sleep. The term emission is because you ejaculate, or release semen from the penis. Wet dreams most commonly occur as a teenager or young adult; sometimes they occur well into adulthood.
When do people start getting wet dreams?
Most people AMAB start getting wet dreams during puberty. As hormone levels (such as testosterone) increase your body starts to change. You may notice more body hair, getting a deeper voice, and getting taller. Your body also starts making sperm, getting erections, and having wet dreams.
What causes a wet dream?
A wet dream occurs when you have a sexually arousing dream during sleep, and your body releases semen through ejaculation. During the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep, it’s natural for those AMAB to experience an erection. If you happen to have an arousing dream during this period of sleep, you will sometimes ejaculate.
You may have trouble remembering the dream or feel confused just after you have a wet dream. Some people wake up because they feel like they are going to wet the bed. This is completely normal and nothing to be embarrassed about.
Can I prevent wet dreams from happening?
There is no proven strategy for preventing wet dreams. While having to change your sheets or clean up afterward may be annoying or embarrassing, keep in mind that wet dreams are a normal part of development.