Thanks for your question. During sports people may experience different types of injury, including muscle sprains and strains. Most of them are mild and recover with rest, time, and pain medicine (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
You should consider seeing a health care provider if:
- The pain is not getting better after a week or two
- The pain keeps you from doing regular things, such as walking
- The pain is getting worse
It can be expensive to see a health care provider, so you can try talking to your trainer again. You can also check with your health care provider’s office to see if they can offer any financial support.
You should see a health care provider right away if:
- You have any numbness or tingling in your back, arms, or legs
- You notice your back, arms, or legs feel weak
- You have incontinence (meaning you are having accidents with urinating or stooling)