There a couple reasons why you may be feeling nauseous after drinking water. If you only drink after eating a meal, you may experience some nausea because you may be uncomfortably full. On the other hand, if you only drink on an empty stomach, you may experience nausea due to the fact that your body is low on energy and hungry for food! This may explain why juice or soda feels okay to drink, because those liquids contain sugar that your body can use for energy. However, plain water is very important, and the high amount of sugar found in juice and soda is not beneficial for our health over time. Another reason why you might feel queasy is if you drink too fast when you are dehydrated and feeling very thirsty. Therefore, some helpful tips are 1) try drinking small sips of water while you eat and throughout the day instead of trying to gulp back a glass and 2) add a splash a juice or fruit to your water to add some flavor, which might help make it easier to drink. If you continue to feel nauseous when drinking water, talk to your health care provider.