Since there are many possible causes of blisters in and around the genital area, you should make an appointment with your health care provider. Your health care provider (HCP) will … read more
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Could you give me some suggestions (that I can do now) to stop hair loss in future?
In order to understand how to prevent hair loss in the future, it’s important to know what causes hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by different factors however if … read more
I’ve accidentally seen my friends penis and it made me start wondering if mine is too small. My penis is 3 inches flaccid and around 4 inches erect. My friends talk about how their penis is 6-7 inches flaccid and I was wondering if my penis is too small or if it will grow to a normal size. I am also late to grow in height and get hair and have a deeper voice.
It’s important to understand that the size of your penis is determined by genetic traits that are inherited by your parents– similar to your height, eye color, and skin tone. … read more
I woke up one morning and my voice felt really low. I thought it would crack for a while before it got lower. Should I be worried or is my voice just done changing?
If you are a young man around the time of puberty, you probably don’t need to be worried as voice changes during this time are is normal. During puberty the larynx (also called the “voice box”) changes–it grows … read more
Hello, I been feeling very depressed for the past two years and I’ve turned to cutting & burning myself to escape these tough feelings. But my main question is: How do I stop?
I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. The most important thing is to get help so you don’t have to try to deal with this alone. It is important that … read more
I always get an erection when I am naked. It doesn’t matter if I’m alone, or in a locker room. It is very embarrassing, and I don’t know what to do. It’s okay when I am alone, but everyone seems to stare when I am in a locker room.
It’s normal for both straight and gay guys to have erections when they are naked which can be embarrassing when it happens in a locker room. This usually stops when … read more
Hello, one of my testicles is smaller than the other one and it seems like it’s not growing any more. What could be the problem?
It is very common for guys to have one testicle that is slightly smaller than the other. It is also common to have one testicle hang lower in the scrotal … read more
I have a big vein on the back of my testicles. I’ve read that I should see my health care provider, but I’ve had it since I was about 13 with no pain at all. What do I do? Do I need to see a doctor?
It sounds like you may have a “varicocele,” which is a swollen vein in the scrotal sack. Varicoceles only affect guys and they are often more common during puberty. Because … read more
I have had this mole-like thing on my chest for almost a year now. I thought it used to be a pimple that I popped, but instead of disappearing it became this big soft fatty bump on my chest which makes me look like I have 3 nipples! Is this a bad sign? Do I need to see my doctor?
Anytime you have a skin problem that doesn’t go away, you should make an appointment with your health care provider. Small lumps or cysts (fluid filled sacs under the skin) … read more
How do I tell my parents I want to change doctors from a woman to a man? I have been going to the same woman doctor as my sister for about 6 years. She makes me uncomfortable and I want a man doctor.
It is perfectly normal for you to want to switch to a male doctor as you become a teenager. You can tell your parents that as you are getting older, … read more