Thank you for your question. We are so glad to hear that you found our guide on constipation to be helpful! Poop amount, shape, color, and frequency really depends on … read more
Articles Tagged: constipation
I got very constipated and didn’t go to the bathroom for over a week. When I was able to go, I strained pretty bad. Now my butt is very sore, hurts to sit down, burns, and feels weird when I wipe. What’s going on? Don’t want to ask/show my parents!
Thanks for your question. Constipation can be caused by many things. It can also cause a lot of abdominal (belly) pain as well as pain by the anus. The pain … read more
Anytime I travel away from home, I always get constipated (can’t poop regularly). Why does this happen?
You are not alone! A lot of people experience trouble with constipation, with or without travel. Even the slightest change in diet or exercise routine, can impact one’s ability to … read more
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal (digestive) disorder in the U.S. According to research studies, nearly 22-35.5% of teens and adolescents have symptoms of IBS, which is … read more
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts. Since fiber gets digested in a different way than other carbohydrates, it helps you … read more
Teens usually don’t talk about their bathroom habits with their friends but if they did, they would find out that everybody has trouble having a BM or bowel movement (pooping) … read more