Thanks for your question. Quitting smoking is hard, and most people have to try a few times before they are successful. There are many benefits to quitting, including positive health … read more
Articles Tagged: smoking
E-Cigarettes (Vaping)
The use of electronic-cigarettes (e-cigarettes) also called, “vaping” is a popular but harmful trend among teens and young adults. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2019, 1 … read more
Cigarette Smoking
Most teens are aware that people who have smoked for a while can get lung cancer and emphysema and eventually die, but many don’t know about all of the bad … read more
Smokeless Tobacco
Have you ever seen a professional baseball player, or even a teammate chewing and spitting in the dugout or on the field? Wonder what they were up to? Despite the … read more
How to Quit Smoking
There are many benefits to kicking the smoking habit. Stopping will lower risk for many health problems which include different types of cancer, heart and breathing problems. However, in order … read more
Tips for Staying Healthy
Get enough sleep (9 hours a night is best) If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, avoid looking at screens (tv, phone, computer) at least two hours before … read more
My parents caught me smoking weed and are really mad. How can I convince them it’s no big deal?
While there are certainly more immediately dangerous things that you could do to make your parents mad like driving drunk or high, your parents have probably heard by now that … read more