Thanks for your question. Lots of people have questions about masturbation. Using a lubricant can make masturbation more comfortable and enjoyable. For starters there are 3 general types of lubricant … read more
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I’m a 17 year old, and I just had a doctor’s appointment where my doctor did a physical exam and did a testicle exam. Do doctors make you masturbate in front of them or do something similar?
Thanks for your question. Getting an annual physical exam is an important part of taking care of your health. A doctor will typically do a testicular exam during an annual … read more
My girlfriend and I had oral sex for the first time. She freaked out because she said my stuff smelled like bleach, so she spit it out. Is that a normal smell? This is how mine always smells.
Thanks for your question. Many people have questions about oral sex. Oral sex is any contact between someone’s mouth, lips, and/or tongue with another person’s genitals. Everyone’s genitals and genital … read more
How safe is it to use ride-share services?
We are glad you want to know more about ride-share services! Ride-share services are companies (like Uber and LYFT) that allow you to order a ride using an app on … read more
I am in anorexia recovery right now. I am scared that I am going to lose control and gain too much weight because of my metabolism and not eating anything. Will my metabolism speed up and burn enough calories as I recover?
Thank you for asking this question. When anyone restricts food intake for an extended period of time, the body’s metabolism responds by slowing down because the body needs to conserve … read more
How safe is it to jog in the dark?
It is great that you are interested in jogging and want to learn about how to run safely. Jogging has many positive benefits on physical and mental health. Running outside … read more
I’m not a vegetarian. I eat chicken rarely, and I sometimes drink milk, but I don’t have any other source of protein. How do I get protein in my diet?
Great question! Protein is really important to eat because it helps build bones and muscles. It acts as a building block for enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals that are … read more
On most days, I have a really hard time concentrating and sitting still. I have been struggling with this for a long time and I am beginning to wonder if I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Do you recommend that I see someone once COVID-19 calms down a bit?
Excellent question, thank you for asking. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may be more common than you think! According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 9.4% of all school … read more
I’ll still be able to go to the doctor’s office for my annual physical this summer, right? I know that we should be wearing masks and avoiding in-person interaction because of the pandemic, but that makes going to the doctor more important, right?
Thanks for your question. Annual physicals (or routine check-ups) with your health care provider are still important. These visits are helpful to make sure you are healthy and to get … read more
My girlfriend and I decided to have anal sex, but the condom ripped after I pushed 2 times, so we stopped. Now I have little dots on the head of my penis. Did I get an STD?
Thanks for your question. First, good for you for using a condom and wanting to be healthy. Here are a few tips to help prevent condoms from breaking: Make sure … read more