Thanks for your question. Trichotillomania is also called the “hair pulling disorder”. People with this condition have a strong, uncontrollable urge to pull out their own hair from their head … read more
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My cum is crystal clear and despite months of trying, my girlfriend can’t get pregnant. It has always been clear and not white. I read this could be due to low sperm count. Do I need to undergo fertility tests or is clear ejaculation normal?
Thanks for your question. Pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) that is released before a guy climaxes is often clear. However, ejaculate or semen (cum) that’s released during orgasm is typically thick, whitish, gray … read more
Can laser treatment remove PPP forever?
Thank you for your question! For anyone who has never heard the term PPP… it stands for ‘pearly penile papules‘ and it is a common skin condition of the penis. PPP are a small … read more
I eat a pretty well-rounded diet, not too much junk. I was wondering if I should still take a multivitamin?
Good question! As long as you are eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy then you likely do not need to take a multivitamin. However, if you are … read more
I’m 15 and have shown all signs of puberty like body hair and a deepened voice. But my penis still hasn’t grown, or at least it doesn’t look like it has. Is there still hope or should I seek medical help?
It is difficult to know exactly when your penis will stop growing. During puberty, a young man’s testicles begin to grow larger, followed by the penis. On average the penis … read more
I masturbate and I don’t want my parents to notice. Should I ejaculate in my underwear, a sock or use a towel? I know it’s considered OK but I still don’t want them to know. Please help.
Thanks for your question! It’s great that you realize that it’s normal to masturbate. It may be difficult to imagine but your parents probably assume that you masturbate because they … read more
My one right testicle is very small and right one is very big, and it also causes pain in the left part of my stomach. What I should do?
Thank you for your question, it’s always a good idea to ask questions when you notice changes in your body or things you find concerning! It is not unusual for most young men … read more
I can’t go to sleep. I’ve tried teas, meditation, music, worry dolls and just about anything else I could think of. Falling asleep between 12:30-4:00 is common for me, and once I do fall asleep it’s only for just over an hour. What can I do?
Thanks for your question! Not being able to sleep well is frustrating for sure. You may have already realized that lack of sleep makes it harder to focus which can … read more
How many places in your body can hair grow?
Hair typically grows on a person’s head but also anywhere on the body except the lips, palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet. Our genes (that are … read more
Can you get sick if you go outside with wet hair?
Many of us have been told that if we go outside with wet hair, we’ll get sick; however, this is just a myth (not true). Since colds are caused by … read more