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Health Guides
Ask Us Questions
- I’ve been having moments where I just feel really like horny and want to constantly please myself, is that puberty or something else? (3/24/2025)
- If I have muscle dysmorphia, where can I go for help? There’s lots of blogs on each hospital website but I don’t see any treatment programs. (8/20/2024)
- I broke 16 bones in a car wreck. Pain pills didn’t work so I was prescribed pain patches. They are Fentanyl but I follow the patch instructions closely. My girlfriend is freaking out. How do I explain there is a difference between this and junkies? (7/17/2024)
- I am very depressed due to multiple issues (death, love…) I was very social and happy but now I don’t want to eat, bathe, play video games…nothing! I come home and sit in my dark room and sleep. The more I want to change the more I can’t change. Why? (4/12/2024)
- I’m only freshman to make varsity baseball. Was taken to the woods and had to funnel several beers. Was told to strip and made to blow the seniors as the team watched and cheered. I want to report but making varsity as freshman is huge. What do I do? (4/24/2023)
- I know they are just labels but… Started dating this girl and now we are pretty serious. Issue is she’s trans and has a penis. I’ve never been attracted to boys but no one can tell she isn’t a girl (new to our school). Does this mean I’m gay? (1/20/2023)
- Is it normal to not fall asleep right away (12/30/2022)
- Why am I angry all the time? (12/23/2022)
- If I am romantically attracted to girls but like to have sex with guys, then what is my sexuality? (9/9/2022)
- My best friend and I were hanging out drinking. He kissed me and we made out and ended up giving each other oral sex. Does that make me gay? I love girls. I date girls. Although oral sex felt great, it’s not something that turned me on to do again. (8/19/2022)
- I was last to change in football locker room due to finishing workout. One of the coaches came in and took off his shorts in front of me and smiled. He didn’t force anything and I left. Should I say something? What if it was innocent? I can’t sleep. (8/15/2022)
- I was masturbating in my room when my stepfather opened the door. He put his hand on my penis and said that I better not tell anyone, and that I had to make him feel good or he would kick me out of the house. So then I did, but now what do I do? (7/1/2022)
- Our grade got hotel rooms with 5 people to a room on a trip. We had to share beds, and I shared with a guy who liked to sleep naked. I sleep in my boxers, but when I woke up, I was naked and his penis was pressed against me. Is this sexual assault? (6/7/2022)
- Recently an adult relative put on lingerie and said she would punish me if I didn’t “show her what I could do”. We had sex. What do I do now? (3/28/2022)
- Lately my younger sister has been watching videos about self-harm and reading (even writing) stories involving suicide. She’s only 9 years old. Naturally my family is very concerned for her mental health. How do we help her? (1/4/2022)
- I’ve just arrived at college very far away from home, and although nothing is wrong with school, I feel too far and want to go home. I’m sad and crying all the time, but I don’t want my family to think I’m quitting. I don’t know what to do. (10/1/2021)
- How do I get a full 8 hours of sleep? (9/29/2021)
- I don’t understand if I have been sober why do I always revert to my old habits no matter how long I do stay sober? (9/23/2021)
- I found out a few months ago, my mom died of leukemia cancer, I felt horrible about it, I cried a lot, I have been feeling quiet and kinda sad lately, what can I do? (9/17/2021)
- I am underweight, but feel like my thighs are too big and I want to lose fat there. I can’t stop thinking about it and feel very guilty and disgusted with myself after eating a dessert or on a day that I don’t exercise. Any advice? (6/15/2021)
- Is it common for a teenager to talk about their first sexual experience with their parents/guardians? Assumedly in a good relationship with parents/guardians? Thank you! (5/26/2021)
- I’m a college freshman and went to a party. Had way too much to drink. I woke up naked in bed with a naked girl. Dried cum was everywhere and no sign of condoms. I did not consent to sex but guys don’t get raped. What if she had gotten pregnant? (4/6/2021)
- I have bulimia, and I’m not sure if I should tell my parents. They would probably get mad at me. (2/1/2021)
- I was having a hard time sleeping at night sometimes, I can’t see any reasons if why it’s happening to me. Are they are possible things that can be the reason why I’m having insomnia? (1/20/2021)
- I’m going to start going to therapy soon. I know there’s nothing wrong with going to therapy and there’s nothing wrong with me because of it. But it feels wrong with the stigma and all. How do I deal with the stigma and stay cool and all that? (12/31/2020)
- My family is always coming into my room without asking or even knocking and when I just lock the door they make it all about how they don’t want me to do that. I just want some privacy and to avoid a fight or argument. What can I do? (12/22/2020)
- It’s now autumn, and I always feel sorrowful and morose during this season. Plus now, with the coronavirus I feels even more depressed. What can I do in order to cheer me up? (11/9/2020)
- My mom says we aren’t getting our flu shots this year because we’re going to be staying home, but I still want to get the shot. Should I not get the shot? How should I confront my mom? (10/23/2020)
- I recently started dating a new girl and can’t get hard whenever we want to have sex. I’ve always watched porn on and off and used nicotine throughout other relationships and have never had a problem with sex. Lately I’ve been very stressed. (10/7/2020)
- I’ve been questioning my sexuality for years and really think I’m asexual. I don’t feel safe coming out and feel like I can’t tell my doctor or even my family right now. If I tell my therapist, will they be understanding, and will it be confidential? (10/5/2020)
- When I watch needle injections on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok I get an autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR). This causes me to hurt myself sometimes with pens and tacks. Is it sterile? Should I stop? (9/30/2020)
- Remote learning is making me incredibly stressed, sad, miserable, furious, bipolar, and depressed. Sometimes even suicidal. How should I cope? (9/28/2020)
- I have been fat since childhood. I think I might have an eating disorder. I feel guilty after eating my meal, and then weigh myself like 100 times in an hour. I want to lose about 10 kg. What is your advice? (9/17/2020)
- My parents say I have ADHD but when I went to a therapist, he said I appeared to have inattentive type ADD. What’s the difference, and why can’t my parents and the therapist agree? (8/24/2020)
- Since about 5, my uncle has slept naked with me in my bed. He visits 6-8 times a year. We’ve both touched each other. He’s my only uncle-dad’s brother (no aunts). Scared it will ruin him coming if I tell my parents. He’s in bad health. Do I speak up? (8/18/2020)
- When I went to my annual doctor appointment, my doctor asked me about stuff like how the school year went, how my classes were, if I liked remote schooling, how I communicated with my friends, where I volunteered, and such. Why did she ask me that? (8/5/2020)
- I have a partner, but it seems they are drifting away? Is there anything I can do? (7/28/2020)
- I have had trichotillomania for around 4-5 years and my mom wants to sign me up for a support group, but I kinda freak out when I talk in front of large groups even if it’s online and you can remain anonymous and not show your face. What should I do? (7/23/2020)
- I’m 15, and for the past 3 years my uncle has touched me sexually. How do I bring this up? I love my uncle and don’t want him to get in trouble. I just want it to stop. He is my mother’s brother and also a preacher so I’m afraid no one will believe me. (7/21/2020)
- I’m a homeschooler, and things at home are getting rough. I’m stressed all the time, but I don’t feel like I can tell my parents. I don’t have outside resources. How do I get counseling without them knowing? (7/15/2020)
- I’ve had this issue my whole life. I rarely feel thirst unless it’s extreme. I can’t drink more than a mouthful of any fluid or I feel nauseous. It’s an issue, as I can get dehydrated, but my body doesn’t tell me till it’s severe. (7/10/2020)
- I think I have trichotillomania. When I was 12 years old, I started pulling my hair out of my head to the point where I developed a bald spot. My parents are both doctors, but I don’t think they know what trichotillomania is because they’ve noticed, but haven’t really done anything to help me. I am really insecure about it…help! (7/7/2020)
- I am in anorexia recovery right now. I am scared that I am going to lose control and gain too much weight because of my metabolism and not eating anything. Will my metabolism speed up and burn enough calories as I recover? (6/22/2020)
- On most days, I have a really hard time concentrating and sitting still. I have been struggling with this for a long time and I am beginning to wonder if I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Do you recommend that I see someone once COVID-19 calms down a bit? (6/15/2020)
- How am I supposed to cope? How do I live with this now and for the rest of my life? I’m a senior and this week should have been my last week of school. No goodbyes. No graduation. No senior baseball season. No senior play. No senior prom. Nothing. (5/26/2020)
- My stomach sticks out but I’m not technically overweight. I’ve been doing 50 sit-ups in bed every night for about 5 months. It doesn’t seem to be helping. Should I tell my parents about my secret exercise, and how do I get rid of belly fat? (5/13/2020)
- I’ve been staying up past midnight and not getting out of bed until the afternoon recently. How can I start going to sleep and waking up earlier? (4/28/2020)
- Is it possible to still have Anorexia even though I am not underweight? I have some symptoms, but I am overweight. Should I talk to my doctor? (4/15/2020)
- How do I deal with burnout in school? (4/8/2020)
- I have some symptoms of depression. Should I contact someone to test me for depression? (4/2/2020)
- I’m almost always tired throughout the day and at school, but usually have trouble going to sleep at night. I’ll just get to bed and be awake still for hours. How do I go to sleep faster? Do things like taking melatonin supplements help? (2/21/2020)
- How can I overcome panic attacks? I’m a usually nervous person, but three panic attacks in two months seems like a lot and I don’t want my friends or my parents to know. (1/15/2020)
- My parents recently separated because my father had an affair. I love my dad but I am angry with him at the same time. I’m not sure how to deal with my feelings. What should I do? (11/1/2019)
- I feel that I am extremely nervous this year. I will suddenly feel overwhelmed by school, the prospect of college, or something in the news (particularly school shootings) and my stomach will feel sick and I can’t stop shaking. What should I do? (9/30/2019)
- I have severe depression and I got horrible grades last year. I want to do well in school but it’s hard when I’m always sad and tired. What are some tips to succeed? (9/18/2019)
- My parents are divorced and I hadn’t talked to my dad for several years. He just died. I don’t really know how to feel, and I don’t feel anything in particular. Is this normal? (5/14/2019)
- I’m 15 and my parents fight ALL the time and it really upsets me. I’ve seen them growing apart over the years and it seems like they want to get a divorce but they’re staying together for me and my sister. How do I tell them that it’s okay to split up? (4/25/2019)
- I have trichotillomania and I pull my hair all the time without even thinking about it. My mom gets frustrated about it but I tell her I cannot help it. Any advice on how to stop my hair pulling? (2/5/2019)
- How much time should I set aside for my girlfriend without coming across as clingy? (12/21/2018)
- I have chronic anxiety, a poor appetite and low grades which I feel are due to my low self-esteem. How do I overcome this? (12/5/2018)
- When I’m stressed, I just want to go back to being little, when there wasn’t work to do and all I had to do was play. How can I get over feeling so nostalgic? (11/21/2018)
- How can I get better at not taking small situations and making them a big problem for no reason? It’s really getting in the way of my relationships. (10/31/2018)
- What is sexuality and sexual orientation? (10/26/2018)
- I have been waking up every night at 3:00am and I am awake until my alarm goes off at 7:30. I stopped watching TV or going on the web after dinner and I also tried drinking chamomile tea but it hasn’t helped me sleep through the night. I am very tired during school and I feel like l cannot bear this lack of sleep during the entire school year. Please, can you help me? (10/16/2018)
- I have a 15-year-old brother that won’t eat. He only eats carbs, sugar and crap even though our mom fixes wonderful meals like roast beef, chicken, hamburgers, etc. with potatoes and veggies and homemade treats. My brother is very skinny– weighs under 130 and he is almost 6 feet tall. My family is very concerned about him, because sometimes he will go all day without eating. I have spent days with him, where he does not eat all day, and then when he does eat, its crackers, cold cereal, cookies, top ramen, and any candy he can find. He also sneaks any kind of pop; Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Coke. In addition, my brother was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He pulls and tugs on his hair all the time, to the point that he pulls some of it out, and has bald spots on the top of his head. His ADHD meds seem to kill his appetite even more. My family and I are worried and want to help my brother but we don’t know how. PLEASE help us. Thanks. (10/1/2018)
- I have a lot of panic attacks for instance before exams or an oral presentation. I did some yoga exercises to learn how to breathe calmly but it didn’t help. It isn’t easy to live with panic attacks. What can I do? (9/5/2018)
- Should I be changing in front of my peers in the locker room? Cause I’m kinda embarrassed when people see me naked. (5/30/2018)
- Recently I have stopped experiencing emotions and am having weird and scary thoughts. I am not experiencing any guilt. My friends think I am getting really manipulative. Is something wrong with me? (5/14/2018)
- I’m suffering with bad acne scars and it’s really dropped my confidence. I’m at college and most days I can’t wait to get home. I want to sort it out because I feel that I won’t meet anyone and it will affect my work and social life. (12/14/2017)
- I met this girl I really like, but I’m afraid to tell her because I’m a really shy person. I’m okay talking with most girls, but she’s different. Help! (8/16/2017)
- There is this one girl who I can’t stop thinking about. I found out that my friends want to have sex with their crushes. But I genuinely don’t want to have sex with the person I like. I think that would be plain awkward. I’m 13. Is something wrong with me? (7/24/2017)
- I’m 19 years old and so scared of needles and shots that when I even think about them too much, I get so scared I break down crying. I don’t know what to do! (7/10/2017)
- I am a virgin but I really want to have sex with my girlfriend. I am able to become hard when I watch porn, masturbate or think of my girlfriend in a sexual way, but when she is there in person, it’s like my body won’t work. Please help. (3/28/2017)
- I am a 14 year old boy and I’ve had a girlfriend for 2 months. So far we’ve only kissed. Do we have to have sex? (2/27/2017)
- I watch porn when I masturbate. I’m straight but I also watch gay porn. Does this mean I’m gay, straight or bisexual? (2/15/2017)
- I’m 17 and I’ve been taking ADHD medication for years, but I only take it on school days. Is that ok? Sometimes I feel stressed out and emotional when I don’t take it. Should I take it every day? (2/6/2017)
- I always feel anxious, but don’t know why. Whenever I am around this girl I really like, my anxiety levels rise even more. Why is this? (1/17/2017)
- I’ve been having depression and anxiety problems for 3 years. It got worse when my oldest brother died two years ago. I’ve met with a psychologist because of the my bad behavior at home, but I was never open to talking because I felt like I couldn’t trust my therapist. My parents are going through hard times and I feel like I treat them as though I was the head of the household instead of them. I’m honestly tired of feeling like this and I want to change. What would you recommend? (9/29/2016)
- I’m 13 and have Bipolar disorder, Social Anxiety, and ADHD. Will life change more during puberty? (8/12/2016)
- I am a boy but my behavior is a bit girlish. My friends always tease me over this. How can I start behaving manly? (7/5/2016)
- I met a girl that I really liked. We had great conversations, and I’m really attracted to her and I can tell she has the same feelings. I feel excited around her, but I don’t know how to talk to her, and now we live far apart. I can’t stop thinking about her and not being with her makes me sad. What should I do? (6/9/2016)
- I am obsessed with having good looks, which I believe helps attract girls. Because of this, I am beginning to have low self-esteem towards myself. How can I solve my problem? (5/25/2016)
- Hello, I been feeling very depressed for the past two years and I’ve turned to cutting & burning myself to escape these tough feelings. But my main question is: How do I stop? (1/11/2016)
- Hi. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) a few months ago, and have been on medicine for about two weeks (Fluoxetine). I noticed along with a lot of other side effects that I have been feeling more manic. I have always had bipolar symptoms, but stronger depression, but for some reason doctors don’t notice it. Should I mention it? I don’t want to switch to another medicine and get fat again. I am so confused… (11/13/2015)
- My mom made a new rule that if I want to keep my Facebook and Instagram accounts, I have to add her as a friend and let her follow my posts, but I don’t really want to. What should I do? (6/17/2015)
- Someone from my high school committed suicide last week. I didn’t know her very well, but we were Facebook friends. Her posts were always so upbeat and happy, and I had no idea she was even depressed. What did I miss? (5/13/2015)
- I think that I am depressed and I told my best friend, but I don’t know who else or how I should tell someone, or even what to do. Please help!! (2/18/2015)
- I have a wounded leg and I limp while I walk. I met this girl online that I like but I’m scared she’ll think I’m too different if she sees my limp. Can someone still like me with my problem? (12/31/2014)
- Sometimes I feel attracted to guys. Am I gay? (12/10/2014)
- Why do I have such a bad temper? (6/24/2014)
- My parents are getting divorced. Is it normal to feel relieved and not sad about it? (2/25/2014)
- Is peeling the skin around my finger nails continuously considered “self-harm”? (12/31/2013)
- I really want to have sex with my friend but I don’t know how to tell her. What do I say? (11/26/2013)
- How do I tell my girl I love her? (7/2/2013)
- I’m really shy, but I want to talk to a girl I like. Can you help me? (4/15/2013)
- I got a girl pregnant and now I’m having trouble masturbating. What should I do? (3/5/2013)
- Can a guy like anal play and not be gay? (1/15/2013)
Parents’ Guides